About Us

Aderemi Badru is an ordained minister of the Gospel by the Nigerian Baptist Convention. He is a graduate of the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. He is married to Oluwatobiloba and are both committed to serving the Lord fully in the ministry. Aderemi has the mandate to preach Christ Jesus as the Hope of glory for all nations. He and his wife believes that God has commissioned them to rebuild broken lives and to build the next generation. He is committed to church planting and evangelism around the world and passionate about building a generation of young people who will take the nations for Jesus. He serves alongside his wife as the lead pastor of the House of Hope For All Nations church. He is a prolific writer, author and speaker!

Multitude! multitude are in the valley of decision and the day of the Lord is near was the cry of Prophet Joel in the book of Joel 3:14! These multitude are confused, shattered, wounded and hopeless waiting for the light and constantly groaning for someone to show them the way. In the year 2000 the Lord revealed to me in a vision a people that were in slavery, bound in chains and fetters and there was a king who was ordering them to be killed. These people were helpless and hopeless and in the dream, I know what is needed for them to be freed! All over the world, multitudes are in the valley of decision, in pain, confusion and hopelessness waiting for someone to show them the way. Most of these people have found their way to the United States of America hoping that they can find hope here but getting here many of them have become more hopeless and helpless because they have come here to meet a multitude who are also in the valley of decision desperately seeking the way, the truth and the life. Many of these people died in the valley of decision without the hope of eternal salvation.
House of Hope for All Nations therefore has the mandate to reach out to the multitude in the valley of decision, to see the lost as we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At the House of Hope for All Nations, we do not see dry bones, we see an exceeding great army that God can raise out of the dry bones scattered in the valley. We do not see hopelessness, we see hope in Jesus for everyone. We refuse to see who people are now as we reach them with the Gospel, we see in them what they can become in the Lord. We believe that God can turn a broken piece to a master piece by the power of the Gospel of the Gospel of Christ Jesus.
If something is flawed, bruised, bent, warped, cracked, split, broken or shattered, what do we do with it? What is our disposition to the marred, the scarred, the barely aflame, and the barely alive in our culture? We set these defective commodities aside, stamp REJECT on them and eventually discard or destroy them. But CHRIST did not treat them like that. The Samaritan woman was restored through love, the woman that was caught in adultery was not discarded neither was Zaccheus was condemned. They were all shown love and that made them agents of light at the end. Therefore House of Hope aims at spreading the love of Christ to everyone we come across.
Our MISSION is found in Ezekiel 34:16 which is
(1) To go after the lost
(2) Collect the strays
(3) Doctor the injured
(4) Build up the weak ones
(5) Oversee the strong ones so they are not exploited
(1) Teach and preach Christ as the HOPE of glory to all
(2) To care for the broken, wounded, lost, and shattered that they may found hope in Christ and be restored and rebuilt
(3) To be a voice that will call the church back to the passion of Christ Jesus which is to seek the lost , mend the broken hearted, set the captives free and restore hope to the hopeless as the kingdom of God is established on earth.
(4) To preach and teach the undiluted word of God and prepare the younger generation (teenagers, students and young adults) as God’s army that will change the world and establish God’s kingdom everywhere they found themselves.
(5) To provide a loving and a healing atmosphere for the broken, wounded, hurting, less privileged, needy and the lost.
1. Love
2. Hope
3. Prayer
4. Sincerity
5. Excellence